Are you a land owner looking to rent or sell a plot of land for use as a dog field?
Setting up a dog field requires significant capital expenditure, negotiating the planning process to gain the right permissions and, when it comes to operations, time and attention.
Land owners can achieve excellent rental rates and sale values from relatively small parcels of land for use as dog fields without the many of the challenges associated with alternative income streams and uses.
Why Not Do It Yourself?
Running dog fields is not a passive income. Day to day, fields need checked and maintained and customers need cared for. With the potential of over 100 bookings a week, this is a customer service business and whilst much of the customer interaction can be largely automated, this does not eliminate daily contact with your clients and someone has to be available to manage this business day in, day out, 365 days a year.
Not all land owners have the time or inclination to undertake this type of business. Taking a customer query at 9pm on a Friday night might not be something you wish to do but running a successful, profitable and robust dog field business requires someone to be ‘on hand’ to manage technical queries when booking, answer questions that your customers might have and deal with the most unimaginable problems that people have when using the field!
If you’re interested in having a dog field operating from your land there are ways that you can achieve this without any of the aforementioned hassle. Dog fields are low impact in terms of the environment, provide a valuable community resource and now play an active role in the UK farming diversification model.
The Benefits of Leasing or Selling Land to a Dog Field Operator
- You don’t have the hassle of negotiating the planning process
- You don’t need to stump up the capital expenditure
- You can lease smaller plots than you would have to make available for solar farms
- You can make more per acre than with solar farms with significantly less visual impact
- You don’t need to have any of the hassle of the day to day running of the field
- You can generate a reliable income without any of the effort – this is a passive income!
Why talk to us?
We know the dog field business and we can tell you what to expect. We will explain the likely impact in terms of any other operations on your land and we can assess the suitability of any plot you have identified before putting you in contact with a prospective tenant or buyer.
We can also give you an indication of what the rental potential of your land is and the different models available including profit share.
What Operators are Looking For
Most operator will be looking for 2-5 acres but British Dog Fields will consider anything from 3/4 acre to 30 acres depending on location so if you have a small plot or are looking to isolate a large area, we are happy to discuss your options.
We are not just looking for agricultural land. We also have operators looking for brownfield sites and redundant or unproductive land.
Protected land is not always excluded. We work with a specialist planning agency with experience in achieving planning consent for dog fields in AONB, green belt land and in other areas where there the land is identified as protected in some way.
Lease commitments do not have to be as long as with alternative options.
Your Next Steps
If this is something you might be interested in, please get in touch and we will organise a phone call where we can discuss your options and give you answers to any questions you might have. Email to find out more today. If you might be interested in taking a dog field project on yourself, please take a read though the articles here to find out more about the kind of commitment you might need to make.