B997, Aberdeen, AB21 7AQ
57.217722269511, -2.150002519054
Field Details
XL-Bullies and Control Order Dogs: Please contact this field directly to find out if they are allowing dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act to use their facility and under what circumstances. Many fields are unable to accommodate XL Bullies for a variety of reasons and those that do may need copies of your paperwork in advance so you must check before you book.
About This Field
Field Notes
The Play Park is fenced with 6ft stock fences and around an acre in size. It’s double fenced at the bottom and has windbreak on all 4 side. It has a fully stocked toy box with a variety of balls, footballs, boomer balls, frisbees, rope toys, and flingers. Theres poo bags and a bin at the gate. Water and bowl provided.
All media is the copyright of the listed facility or where reviewed the copyright of British Dog Fields. All rights reserved.