Lew Road, Curbridge Witney, OX29 7PD
51.767940501147, -1.5256131652148
Field Details
XL-Bullies and Control Order Dogs: Please contact this field directly to find out if they are allowing dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act to use their facility and under what circumstances. Many fields are unable to accommodate XL Bullies for a variety of reasons and those that do may need copies of your paperwork in advance so you must check before you book.
About This Field
Curbridge Dog Park is a 2 acre securely fenced grass paddock located 2.5 miles from Witney and 15 miles east of Oxford town centre. It’s easily accessible, immediately off the main road from Curbridge to Lew and has a large parking area.
Booking and Accessing Curbridge Dog Park
Booking is through a secure website – sessions are 1 hour including time to load and leave. 2 dogs are included in the price, additional dogs are extra which is easy to spot when you are booking.
Access is very straight forward – the Google pins and W3W links take you to the gate which is well signposted from the road. On our visit, the access gate was open so we could drive in. I would recommend closing this gate whilst you’re using the field as it is direct access onto the main road and parking is external to the field.
There is plenty of hard standing for parking and turning and the field itself is accessed through a pedestrian gate. There are no padlocks on either gate so if you have any concerns about someone accidentally entering the field during your session, I would bring a means of securing this pedestrian gate. I used a simple combination padlock that I take to all visits.
What is Curbridge Dog Park Like?
Curbridge Dog Park is a reasonably flat paddock* laid to grass with activities spread out over it’s square shape.
There is a large sandpit**, some jumps and other basic agility activities.
There is a really nice shelter with a large picnic bench which allows views of the entire paddock and also mains water, a dog waste bin and poo bag dispenser if you have forgotten to bring your own.
The field has 4 difference boundaries – 1 is well set back from the road with a tall mature hedge so there are no visual distractions from the road. Opposite is an arable field, to the right some houses but a rage fence with no visibility into the gardens, and the far end looks out onto a yard which looks to be used simply for storage of agricultural equipment and hay.
*We visited in September 2022 after a hot summer with several heatwaves. Like many paddocks, there were large cracks in some areas of the paddock so if you are going in summer, take extra care as these do pose a significant risk to dogs if they are running around. These usually close after some significant rain but it is something to be aware of. You can avoid the worst part by sticking to the far side for the paddock from the parking area.
**Sand pit was filled with building sand at the time of our visit.
Is Curbridge Dog Park Secure?
The fencing at Curbridge Dog Park is 6ft deer style fencing with additional rabbit mesh at the bottom to prevent smaller dogs from escaping.
Note: There is a large vehicle access gate at the far end of the field and from a distance, it looks as if there is no netting to one side – fear not! There is it’s just difficult to see.
The car park is not secure and dogs must be on a lead when you get them in and out of the vehicle, especially as there is nothing to stop the next user accessing the car park and waiting there whilst you load up. The gate to the road is an agricultural gate with weld mesh at the bottom – this would deter most dogs but is not 6ft so the areas is not an airlock.
Things you should know about Curbridge
- Curbridge Dog Park has only opened this summer which was a hard one on grass! This will no doubt fill in next spring
- The accessibility of this field from Witney and surrounding villages makes it a really good field – no windy roads or tricky parking!
Notes for Reactive Dog Owners:
This field is good in many ways for reactive dogs – there is no livestock present and it has no rights of way passing by. However, the yard at the end may be in occasional use so you may want to contact the owner to check prior to booking to check his work schedule.
Photos: © British Dog Fields
All media is the copyright of the listed facility or where reviewed the copyright of British Dog Fields. All rights reserved.