Boost Your Bookings Mini Course

Have you ever thought that if you have just THREE sessions in your field vacant a week at £10/session, that’s over £1000 PER YEAR you’re leaving on the table?

I was having my annual coffee and gossip with my accountant (AKA Tax Return Meeting) and she said something that horrified me.

I was whining about the cost of servicing our big mower and she flippantly said

“well you could have paid for that in June if you’d filled those vacant sessions”.

Vic, British Dog Fields Accountant

I didn’t even really think we had vacant sessions? The odd one or two maybe but £500? Don’t be daft.

She was right – long summer opening hours meant that from April to October, there was almost always an early or late session vacant during the week and all totted up, that was coming out between £300 and £500 per month and yet we were booked up for nearly 3 months at weekends.

Filling My Vacant Sessions – by accident

After arguing with her that those sessions were outlying hours that would never get filled, she pointed out we had no evidence to back that up and, realising she was right, I went about fixing it.

During this process, I asked for lots of feedback from our customers, reviewed something like 100 dog field booking sites and social media accounts and realised that there seemed to be a direct correlation between what some people we doing, and how busy they appeared to be.

I felt like a total plonker but “you don’t know what you don’t know” so how could I have known?

I made some reasonably basic changes to my website, social media accounts and customer communications before I got to work on marketing our dog field and filling those gaps.

But…. before I had a chance to scribble my marketing ideas in a spider diagram, the sessions were filled and I had no sessions to sell.

Long story short, I kept notes and now I’ve put them together in an easy-to-follow course.

FAQs About This Mini-Course

In this course you’ll find:

  • A quiz to get you started in the right direction
  • A spreadsheet to help you figure out just how much cash you are leaving on the table
  • 8 modules contacting 13 lessons
  • Checklists to work through so you don’t forget anything
  • Examples and video guides so you can see just what to do

I hope you’ll enjoy the process! If you want to jump into the course with immediate access, click the button below to go to secure checkout. Once you’ve completed the purchase, you’ll get an email with your login details to your course dashboard.

Join the Course

Course Elements:

The Course Content
Progress Bar
Spreadsheet Calculator
Video Guides
Join the Course as an Early Bird!

PS I’m offering a money back guarantee for Early Birds. That means there’s no risk to you to trying this method. The only thing I ask is that you give it your best shot and complete all the modules (and the actions). If after doing all that (give it a month) you haven’t gained any new customers or filled any vacant sessions, I’ll give you your money back.

IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER: British Dog Fields does not promise or guarantee your results.  “Outcomes” listed on this page are goals. This timeline should be used only as a way to benchmark and set goals rather than an expectation of success.  It is impossible to know how your business will perform. We provide information on what has worked for us in the past, and what has worked for many other clients, but your business will only succeed with your hard work and skill.

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